This is the kind of show that deserves to be on comedy central. THIS SHIT NEEDS TO GET ON MAINSTREAM TV!
This is the kind of show that deserves to be on comedy central. THIS SHIT NEEDS TO GET ON MAINSTREAM TV!
Yea, that basically summed up the entire game.
At first I was like wow, then i was like WOW!!!!!
At first I thought it was gonna be like house of a thousand corpses but with cats but this was wayyy better! It was simply amazing. At the end was that a Kitty Krew reference? This has got to be one of the best vids on new grounds!
Simply amazing!
Great video and storyline! Amazing style and animations.
This is an awesome video and great animations. Ive seen this vid everywhere and people have been stealing and posting it as their own so I hope your the real owner.
I am a Flash programmer / designer as well as a website programmer / designer.
Joined on 1/7/09